Episode 170: Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbat

Full Haus Members
Full Haus Members
Episode 170: Guess Who's Coming to Shabbat

A very special Full Haus as the super knowledgeable Padraig Martin rejoins us to break down everything happening in the Middle East, and what’s likely coming down the pike.

As a special treat, it’s just Sam & Coach in the second half like a good buddy cop flick.

Top off your preps and buckle up! It’s getting choppy out there.

Padraig’s Gab, his book, and his site.

Bumper: He Rises by Hyper

Break: Authority by Vondkreistan

Close: The Exorcist Theme (Synthwave/Darkwave Cover) – Unbending Puppets

Go forth and multiply.

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And of course, feel free to drop us a line with anything on your mind at [email protected].

We love ya fam, and we’ll talk to you next week.

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